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Leader in Me Program

Leader in Me is a global, evidence-based, whole school framework that promotes the notion that everyone has the potential to lead. Focusing on the 3 key elements of leadership, culture and academics, the approach empowers the school community (students, staff and families) to develop leadership and life skills to prepare them for success, both as an individual and as a community.

Based on Stephen Covey’s work, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the Leader In Me approach focuses on the development of skills through 5 clearly articulated school paradigms:

  1. Paradigm of Leadership - Everyone can be a leader
  2. Paradigm of Potential - Everyone has a genius
  3. Paradigm of Change - Change starts with me
  4. Paradigm of Motivation - Empower students to lead their own learning
  5. Paradigm of Education - Educators and families partner to develop the whole person

Leader In Me provides a whole-school language to describe skills and actions that empower individuals to lead themselves and then lead others, equipping students, teachers, and families with the leadership and life skills needed to thrive in a dynamic world.

The Seven Habits
Be Proactive
Begin With the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Sharpen the Saw